THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for the offerings you have made and are making to St. Thomas’ Church. Your offerings, of your time, of your God-given talents, and of your money, help support all that we do at St. Thomas.
St. Thomas could do nothing without the faithful offerings of its members. Together, we are the Body of Christ. When we are giving, we are being the faithful people God calls us to be.
Our offerings bring about blessings on many levels. We are transformed, and made new, through our offerings. We believe in a God who is generous. And we are created in God’s image. So we are called to be generous, as God is generous.
William Temple, a former Archbishop of Canterbury once said, “The Church is the only society that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members.” Let us continue to serve the needs of those who are not yet members. Again, thank you for your offerings.
Yours in Christ,
Canon Jerry Morriss